The Canonical visit of Mother Ana Calderón to the Holy Land

From 17 December 2017 to 5 January 2018, Mother Ana Calderón, Vicar General, made a canonical visit to the communities of the Holy Land. The visit was a special time for the sisters: time for prayer and grace, time for meetings and sharing, time for peace and fraternity. During the visit to the community of Ortas (from 17 to 23 December), the Mother met the children and the teachers of the kindergarten and had the joy of sharing part of her time with them.

From December 23rd to January 3rd 2018 he made a visit to the community of Bethlehem, with which he had the opportunity to participate in the functions at the Grotto of the Nativity. From 3 to 5 January 2018, the mother returned to the Shrine with the sisters of Bethlehem, to carry out a formative meeting of the two communities together, and to celebrate Christmas fraternally.

In the community meetings, the Mother shared the Lectio divina with her sisters, she proposed a reflection on the theme “Signs of Prophecy” and on the working tool for the General Assembly which will begin next January 24 on “The revitalization of the sisters and community and the reorganization of structures “.